
If there is one thing every programmer do, is searching for code and solutions online.

Problem is, nobody tell you how you should do it.

Here I will try to describe my process and hopefully, it can help you.

Table of contents


Google is the first source of information everybody uses. There is some commands you can use to exploit full Google’s search capacity.

The ones I use the most are:

There is much more than these two, you should try them! There is many videos or articles about how to master google search.

But the problem is, Python programming in Unreal Engine is a niche of a niche of a niche of a niche (not a joke: Video Games > Video Games Programming > Unreal Engine Programming > Python UE Programming). So it’s super hard to find Python stuff for UE.

Unreal Engine Forum

The UE Forum is where you will find most information about Python for UE. You can use the tag feature to filter results:


You can also do it using google to have more results and easier search:



GitHub have this cool feature where you can search for code everywhere.

But because it’s a niche of a niche, finding Python UE things is hard, but not impossible.

