To manipulate things in Unreal with Python, you will need to use the Unreal Python API.
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The Unreal Python API (application programming interface) is a set of Python modules, classes, functions and types that let you manipulate things in Unreal. It comes in different version for each UE version:
This API is created by Unreal Engine developers and is much smaller than the C++ API, meaning you can’t do as much as with C++. That being said, there is already a ton of stuff you can do.
To use that API, you first need to import the unreal module
import unreal
And then interact with it
unreal.log("This is a warning message")
All functions and classes of the API are listed here:
Because learning an API is a big pain in the neck, we won’t list and learn every feature of the API. Instead, I added cheat sheet scripts in Content/Python/Help/Unreal
that you can checkout.